Strona Główna

These 2 Column Faux CSS Layouts use a background image to make it look like the left and right columns are equal in height and independent of each other.

led the image, that contained both the left and right child cgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

I first found about this method from the alistapart site by a guy called Dan Cederholm These 2 Column Faux CSS Layouts use a background image to make it look like the left and right columns are equal in height and independent of each other.

Things couldn't be further from the truth. I created a parent column called faux and vertically tiled the image, that contained both the left and right child columns. I then vertically tiled the faux background image and viola.

I first found about this method from the alistapart site by a guy called "">Dan Cederholm

Things couldn't be further from the truth. I created a parent column called faux and vertically tiled the image, that contained both the left and right child columns. I then vertically tiled the faux background image and viola

© 2009 Niesmiertelnik